Hunt Safety
Hunt Safety

Below are a few simple rules that need to be followed along with common sense to ensure a safe fun hunt. Please do not get offended if you are reminded by the guide of these rules
- Everybody will treat each other with respect
- There will be no alcoholic beverages allowed on the field before, during or after the hunt
- Each firearm will be unloaded while walking to and from the fields
- While walking with your gun it must be pointed up at all times
- There will be certain times that you will want to take a shot, but for safety reasons you must wait for your guide’s approval
- Each hunter will be assigned specific shooting zones to protect yourself and other hunters. The shooting zone will be gone over with each hunter before the hunt begins
- Ground shots, even though they seem to be safe are very dangerous and are never to be taken
- If there is a shot that you are not sure about, don’t take it. There are going to be a lot of opportunities to harvest birds.
We reserve the right to ask any hunter to leave the field immediately if their behavior is a danger to others or themselves. Money that was paid will not be refunded.